Archive for March 12th, 2013

Timeless Tricks to Help You Build Lasting Friendships

How many people do you have in your life right now who you’d class as a close friend? I don’t mean acquaintances or online contacts you might have but real-life, long-time friends.

Most of us can count our current friends on the fingers of one or two hands, but we’ve likely had many more over the course of our lifetime. Throughout our lives, friends come and go. Many of those friendships we thought of as precious at one time are now just distant memories of good times spent together.

Some bonds with people last for years, through many ups and downs, while others disappear. But what causes a good friendship to end and how can you stop it from happening?

Why Friendships Fade Away

Of course, there are negative reasons for friendships coming to an abrupt end – such as arguments, jealously, ill-feeling, and the like. However, even when nothing ‘poisonous’ causes the end of a friendship, sometimes perfectly healthy ones just dissolve.

Friendships are an investment. The same with anything of value, they take time, effort and attention so that they can form and develop into something special. Unless we work at our relationships with other people, they’ll soon suffer.

There are several reasons why a previously solid friendship can break down:

You simply grow apart

As our lives change, so too do our likes and dislikes. What might have attracted us to someone a few years ago, we now find less appealing. It’s unrealistic for two people to always keep the same things in common, but there has to be a broad enough overlap to give mutual ground to share. Otherwise, you lose the ties that once connected you both.

You take your friend for granted

When we’ve known someone for a while, we become used to having them around. This familiarity can lead us to taking that person for granted. We begin to expect them to be there for us whenever we need their support. We forget to appreciate the considerable benefits gained from being good friends with them, and get careless with how we treat them.

Your friendship becomes one-sided

Like any relationship, a strong friendship requires give and take on each side. During our lives, certain circumstances or crises lead to us relying on a friend more than they do on us. This usually evens out between you both over the long run. The scale between what you put in and what you receive has to be finely balanced over time, or the other party can feel ignored or – worse – used.

In the past, I’ve had a few friends who always seemed to want me to do something for them or who kept asking favors. Yet, when I needed them, they’d be too busy or not able to help. After a while, I stopped seeking them out and let the friendship fizzle away. I’m sure you’ve known this type of person too.

Instead of discussing the issue or even ending the friendship in a conclusive way, you decide to just let it slip away with no fuss.

A Good Friendship is Worth the Effort

It’s a shame when a friendship dies due to neglect, especially when it could’ve been rescued with a little work and tender loving care.

The first step to rescuing a friendship is to ask yourself whether you believe that it is worth saving. If you feel it is, there are a few approaches you can try to get your old friendship back on track:

1. Work out what you need from a friend

What exactly are you looking for in a friendship at this moment? Is it no-nonsense advice, motivating humor, a constructive opinion- or all of these and more?

Once you’ve decided the qualities you expect from a friend, you can discuss these. Unless you ask your friend for their support in a specific way, they won’t know for sure how they can be of most help to you. Be realistic about the ability of the other person to give you what you need and don’t set unrealistic standards for your friend to meet: after all, they’re trying to be the best friend they can.

2. Assess what you can offer them

It’s a two way street, so your friend needs certain things from you in return. What are you able to give them back? When you’ve identified those qualities you bring to the friendship, begin to really focus on displaying them and putting them into practice.


3. Talk about the ‘good old days’

It’s helpful to reminisce about the past and recall the high points – and low moments – you’ve gone through together as friends. This isn’t only about focussing on yesterday, but it is also an excellent way to acknowledge the impact you’ve had on each others’ lives. You’ll be reminded of those qualities that were critical to your relationship in the first place, and so begin to appreciate them once again.

4. Constantly re-learn who your friend is right now

Perhaps, you’ve lost touch with what makes the other person tick. It’s difficult to share in someone’s life when you know little of who they are right now.  Spend a little time re-connecting with your friend’s hopes, dreams, likes and dislikes. By continually becoming more in tune with who they are, you’re better able to make your bond of friendship relevant for today.

5. Discover new activities to do together

Often, friendships grow stale because we keep on doing the same things over and over again with each other. It’s healthy to introduce different dynamics into your relationship that stretch and encourage it to evolve. Try finding a new hobby or interest you can both take part in or, even better, participate in a venture where you have to rely strongly on each other. This has incredible potential to build back up the trust and respect between each other you might have lost.

6. Integrate them into new friendships

When we form new friendships there’s a danger that we push older, more established ones to the side. Downgrading or replacing an existing friendship for a more recent one can lead to resentment and hurt. Very few friendships can survive these negative feelings.

One option is to involve your ‘old’ friend with the ‘new’ one and vice versa. It calls on diplomatic skills to do this successfully and it can backfire if the two don’t get on but, if successful, it can prevent both parties from feeling left out. The other advantage to this is that everyone increases their circle of friends.

7. Treat your friend as an equal

Remember that you’re both joint partners in this relationship and, as such, each of you has to believe that there are mutual benefits to be gained from being friends. You’re there for each other, right? Occasionally, your friend might have to give you more of themselves to support the friendship, particularly if you’re going through a difficult patch. But don’t become selfish and give little or nothing back when the tables are turned and your friend calls on you.

8. Respect differences/ celebrate similarities

It would soon get quite boring if we only surrounded ourselves with friends who were the same as us. Obviously, it’s good to have some things in common- such as aspects of your personality, interests, views or opinions, etc – but it’s in the differences that friends have where we can challenge each other. Don’t judge someone on what’s different about them, instead view their individuality as an area for you to explore and understand.

9. Be thankful

The last but, certainly, one of the most effective ways you can strengthen a shaky friendship is to show your appreciation to your friend for what they mean to you. Recognise what you value about them and let it be known. By doing this, you give new life to the relationship because your friend gets to understand that their role makes a difference and is worthwhile to you. Try out the Golden Girls’ line: ‘Thank you for being a friend’.

The longer a friendship lasts, the stronger it should become. But there’s also the possibility that cracks can appear if you don’t work at renewing the connection you share. Perhaps your friend would appreciate reading this article too!

What do you value most about your friends? How do you breathe new life into your old friendships?

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Penis




8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Penis


Sensitivity, pleasure, size, and other surprising facts.

1. Use It or Lose It

You need to have erections regularly to keep your penis in shape. “It has to be essentially exercised,” says Tobias Kohler, MD, assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
To maintain a healthy tone, the smooth muscle of the penis must be periodically enriched with oxygen by the rush of blood that engorges the penis and makes it erect, Kohler says.

2. Your Penis May Be a ‘Grower’ or a ‘Show-er’

Among men, there is no consistent relationship between the size of the flaccid penis and its full erect length.
In one study of 80 men, researchers found that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter-inch to 3.5 inches longer.
Whatever the clinical significance of these data may be, the locker-room significance is considerable. You can’t assume that a dude with a big, limp penis gets much bigger with an erection. And the guy whose penis looks tiny might get a surprisingly big erection.
An analysis of more than a thousand measurements taken by sex researcher Alfred Kinsey shows that shorter flaccid penises tend to gain about twice as much length as longer flaccid penises.

3. The Pleasure Zone

Many men consider the underside of the glans (head) of the penis and the underside of the shaft to be most sensitive to sexual pleasure.
Researchers asked 81 healthy men to rate the erotic sensitivity of different areas of their bodies, including not only the penis but also zones such as the scrotum, anus, nipples, and neck.

4. Sensitivity Declines With Age

Studies show that the penis steadily loses sensitivity as men age though it’s hard to say exactly by how much. That’s because different researchers have used different ways to stimulate the penis and measure sensitivity.
In general, the sensitivity of the penis is gauged by the least amount of stimulation a man is able to feel. That is called the “sensory threshold.”

5. Vibrators Work on the Penis Too

Vibrators aren’t only for women. They work on the penis, too. In fact, vibration is so effective on the penis that often men with spinal cord injuries can ejaculate with the aid of a special medical vibrator. For this kind of treatment, the vibrator is usually held against the underside of the head of the penis.
“Medical-grade vibrators aren’t necessarily more powerful,” Kohler says. The vibrators are tuned to stimulate parts of the nervous system involved in ejaculation. “They work at frequencies or amplitudes that are more specific to the [nerve] pathways.”

6. There’s More to the Penis Than Meets the Eye

“Most guys would be proud to know that their penis is twice as long as they think it is,” Kohler says.
That’s because half the length of the penis is inside your body. Just like you don’t see all of a big oak tree above ground, you don’t see the root of your penis tucked up inside your pelvis and attached to your pubic bone.

7. Your Penis Is a Habitat

The skin of your penis is home to a diverse community of bacteria.
Lance Price, PhD, and Cindy Liu, PhD, researchers at the Translational Genomics Research Institute, in Flagstaff, Ariz., used genetic tests to identify the bacteria found on men’s penises. Their study showed there were a total of 42 unique kinds of bacteria inhabiting the skin of the penis.

8. Most Men Aren’t Circumcised

Worldwide, approximately 30% of males aged 15 and older are circumcised, according to a 2007 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS.
Rates vary greatly depending upon religion and nationality, the report states. Almost all Jewish and Muslim males in the world have circumcised penises, and together they account for almost 70% of all circumcised males globally.

Price of gas in France

Price of gas in France

A thief in Paris planned to steal some Paintings from the Louvre.

After careful planning, he got past security,
stole the
paintings, and made it safely to his van..

However, he was captured only two
blocks away
when his van ran out of gas

When asked how he could mastermind
such a crime
and then make such an
obvious error,
he replied,

‘Monsieur, that is the reason I stole

I had no Monet

To buy Degas

To make the Van Gogh.’

See if you have De Gaulle to send this on to
I sent it to you because I figured I had nothing Toulouse.